saboteur|saboteurs in English


[sa·bo·teur || ‚sæbə'tɜr /-'tɜː]

one who maliciously causes damage, one who intentionally destroys or disrupts

Use "saboteur|saboteurs" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "saboteur|saboteurs" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "saboteur|saboteurs", or refer to the context using the word "saboteur|saboteurs" in the English Dictionary.

1. The lorries were wrecked by saboteurs.

2. The soldiers shot the three saboteurs.

3. These claims are denied by the saboteurs.

4. Saboteur - This will allow your Redeemer to auto - repair.

5. I am afraid the blame lies with the saboteurs.

6. The saboteurs had planned to bomb buses and offices.

7. Saboteurs blew up a small section of the track.

8. Saboteur - This will allow your Redeemer to auto - repair.

9. The hunt saboteurs say they were threatened after the incident.

10. Male speaker Saboteurs are people who commit wilful acts of damage.

11. I was accused of being an archfascist a saboteur and the instigator of a resistance movement.

12. The Letters'file on them is sketchy, but apparently they were hardcore saboteurs.

13. The Germans won't expect a team of saboteurs at this late date.

14. Anyone with a foreign accent, including refugee children, were labelled as potential saboteurs.

15. A year later, another saboteur shut down the entire National Association of Securities'automated quotation system.

16. Yugoslavia was viewed as both a "special detachment of U.S. imperialism" and a "saboteur against world revolution."

17. These saboteurs threatened to blow up the factory if their demands were not met.

18. The Antis - as the huntsmen call the Saboteurs - have been active for 10 years.

19. Place a Saboteur bomb on it in case your enemy tries to recapture the spike.

20. The saboteurs had demanded money in return for revealing how they hacked into the systems.

21. Missile boats staged mock attacks on installations and marine commandos simulated saboteurs infiltrating the coast .

22. Their solicitor told the court they only wanted to frighten the saboteur and they were sorry he'd been injured.

23. For the rest of the hunting season[], the saboteurs will play a cat and mouse game with the huntsmen.

24. The Chelicerata is a Saboteur. It possesses high Magic, and learns the valuable Improved Debuffing II late in its development.

25. Read in studio Two huntsmen have been jailed for two months for knocking down a hunt saboteur with a four wheeled buggy.